Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sarah Palin, the gift that keeps on giving...

Wow. Could Sarah Palin be any more unqualified to be Vice President? Kind of throws the whole "lack of experience" argument about Obama out the window, doesn't it? Sadly, the Republicans are trying to lie and spin their way out of that trap. They have actually said that she has more executive experience that Obama and Biden combined (and by that rational, John McCain as well). Does anyone seriously think that someone who, only two years ago was trying to decide what time to close the town dump (thanks to Thom Hartman for that analogy), is ready to be president should 72 year old John McCain not be able to finish his term for any reason? Foreign policy? She has no experience (despite claims made by the GOP that she knows all about Russia, because Alaska is so close to Russia, that she must be an expert. No, I'm not kidding. They said that with a straight face. Read about it here: She is also a very scary fundamentalist Christian who is actually looking forward to the end times. They are supportive of a group know as "Joel's Army," that is actually forming armed military groups planning to take over and enforce the rule of God here on earth. Here are some stories about that:

In addition to that, she is also under investigation for trying to force the Alaska Director of Public Safety to fire her state trooper brother in law, after he filed for divorce from her sister. Watch the ABC news summary here:

By the way, the person she hired to replace the Public Safety Commissioner had to resign after 2 weeks, due to charges of sexual harassment.

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