Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Take Back The Language

This is a blog devoted to highlighting the issues of the 2008 election, and doing what I can to help elect progressive Democrats to office. The ultra-conservative corporate media consistantly ignores real issues that affect people’s lives in favor of pathetic “gotcha” stories that only serve to distract the public from the policies put in place by the conservatives who have systematically been destroying this country since 1980.

In the last few years, the Democratic party has begun to move to left. With the victory of Barack Obama in the Democratic primary fight, we can see a major shift away from the corporate Democrats led by the Clintons. In the first full day since officially becoming the presumptive nominee of the party, he and Howard Dean have pledged that both the Obama campaign and the DNC will not take ANY money from lobbiysts or PACs in this election. This is a major step forward in freeing our country from the corporate interests that have long dominated our politics and culture. However, just because Obama is now the Democratic nominee does not mean we can sit back and cruise to victory in November. This fight is just beginning, and you can bet that the right wing media is going to throw EVERYTHIG they can at Obama to tear him down. We can’t allow this to happen. This blog will serve not only as a way for me to voice my oppinion about these issues, but it will also contain links to other sources of information that you probably won’t get on the evening news.